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'Apparently, Santa has been into the festive spirits all day long.'

DEFINITION: v., To prepare for holiday events where you must chat with irritating co-workers or nagging relatives, by consuming just enough alcohol to make you feel "relaxed". n., A person who arrives at a party pre-inebriated.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: hollee - drunk

Sentence: Nathan showed up for the Christmas party hollydrunk. His santa suit was rumpled, his eyebrows were wild and he kept talking about leaving Rudolph at the mall.

Etymology: hoiday, holly, drunk

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Created by: mezebra




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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: low d stow nd

Sentence: Carter knew how to bolster up for the Christmas gatheringy-dingdings. All it takes is a slew of morale boozeter shots. Everyone knows that a Carter is good at getting well-loaded, yet still delivering the goods. For parties, Carter was well sot after, perhaps because of his plastered smile, and smooth as Black Velvet tongue. He was a loadstoned attraction.

Etymology: LOADED, STONED, LODE STONE. Loaded and stoned are synonyms for being inebriated. Lode Stone not only means a magnetic rock, it is also any thing that attracts others.


clever - Jabberwocky, 2008-12-19: 15:51:00

This must be how they invented Carter's little liver pills!!! Good word. - Nosila, 2008-12-19: 22:40:00


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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: yool-tahyd-wuhn-on

Sentence: Gary yuletiedoneon and arrived drunk to the Christmas party.

Etymology: yuletide: the Christmas season. + Tied one on: Slang - to get drunk.

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Created by: kateinkorea

Pronunciation: pre MICK slur

Sentence: He already had his premixslur thing already going before he even got to the party. He drank a whole mickey on the way in the taxi.

Etymology: PRE: before MIXER: party SLUR: to not enunciate words clearly

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Created by: looseball

Pronunciation: al+ko+lax+a+dat+ed

Sentence: That no good has been to planet hollywood alcolaxadating all afternoon.


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: U-el-fu-eld

Sentence: Knowing his infuriating in-laws were due for Chritmas, Tom prepared himself by getting totally yulefuelled with the help of a large bottle of whiskey.

Etymology: Yule(christmas) + Fuel(food drink used for energy or to sustain) = Yuelfuelled

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: festipsē

Sentence: In an attempt to avoid last year's sotluck debacle of a Christmas party, the planners scheduled a brunch soiree. Nonetheless several people still arrived festipsy.

Etymology: festivity (the celebration of something in a joyful and exuberant way) + tipsy (slightly drunk)

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Created by: Maxine

Pronunciation: al ku 'haw lur ayt

Sentence: Ruth hates her inlaws, but she'll be fine if she alcoholerates before their party.

Etymology: alcohol + tolerate

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: blitzed-en

Sentence: Oh look! There's Santa's other reindeer - the one on the 12-step program - Blitzeden! He always gives parties a lot of foreshot.

Etymology: blitzed, Blitzen

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-12-18: 03:37:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird Thank you yellowbird ~ James

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-12-19: 00:45:00
What's it all about......Alkie?

silveryaspen - 2008-12-19: 01:11:00
Is it just for the moment we live? What's it all about when you SOT it out, Alkie?

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-12-23: 01:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James

KliffEl - 2018-12-20: 03:07:00
The predominating part of this signal would be sent to the backtrack from of the capacity to add to the stimulus endeavour and thereby deliver it into

AlexVovCsmef - 2018-12-20: 05:28:00
Доброго времени суток, Господа и Дамы! Да, не суровы будут ко мне и простят меня админы ресурса сего )), но как-то на глаза попадался текст, вроде

Merdariongof - 2018-12-20: 08:22:00
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violakuprina - 2018-12-22: 06:42:00
Good Monin Pliz .

kristinakuxi - 2018-12-22: 17:37:00
work and support pliz . Network and aftedark .